Gaming [游戏]

session –> activities:

cookie nian gao. good food. period.

play blackjack. won. amazin. though the aim to play was really not to win. still… when one desire to not win, they win. amazin.

mahjong session was not enough. the hand itch.


session –> learnins:

learnins from parents:

we learn tt when one gambles, do not count your winnings or losses. you lose.

we learn tt one should not place something in front of you when playing cards. you lose.

–> the royal conclusion: play for fun. and winning n losing won’t matter a lot lah

learnins from observin:

smiling is really much better than havin a poker face.

young chaps who play to aim, always bet pots in a game. potential gambler wanna be. potential hazard. every promising chap gets destroyed by it, sooner or later. not to mention wreaking hearts. hmmm. but every chap will stop once they realize tt. lol. haha!

humans who gambles tend to slip out a lot. a curse, a grin, or just stoning. no wonder they say one reveals their colors on a gambling table, unless 1 is a professional mask maker. for good or for bad. lol

–> the royal conclusion: just laugh it all out, and make merry

still… though gambling is bad. MAHJONG is FUN =)

the verdict has been past.

now, for those who are feeling sore that its valentines day… or those who fall the take notice that its still friendship there, and for those who don’t really have any friends, there’s just the game for you…

from the folks at ‘my black valentine‘, we have a shooting game! bound to shoot the soreness out of your souls…


CLICK HERE TO PLAY the game. Why wait? There’s even an instant replay function coupled with the game… so… play ON!

How to play?

1. chose an item

2. wait for it to load (don’t worry, it’s only 3 seconds)

3. aim and shoot

4. click replay!  or shoot again (yeah… you weird sorry buggers…)

so… CLICK HERE TO PLAY to play!!! is finally back online…

and our kind webmasters has upload the neccessary “equipment” to make playing the network games more pleasurable.
